
Cytology as a starting point for the diagnosis of gynecological cancers
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Cytology as a starting point for the diagnosis of gynecological cancers

The cytology has become, in recent years, a new diagnostic tool for various gynecological cancers. We tell you how!

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Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013 Bon any nou 2013 Feliz año nuevo 2013 Heureuse Année 2013 Felice Anno Nuovo 2013 Glückliches Neues Jahr 2013  

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Barcelona IVF on the news in French Television – TF1.

This weekend in several French cities massive demonstrations have taken place in  .On Saturday more than 50.000 of people have marched in cities like Marseille, Nîmes or Nantes and on S…

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Barcelona IVF invited to the Jersey Fertility Support Group.

On the 2nd November 2012 Dr Olivares, medical director of BarcelonaIVF, will be attending patients in a meeting hold by Jersey Fertility Support (JFS) in Jersey. More details of the location…

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Barcelona IVF turns 2.

Barcelona IVF is 2 years old today. Our website reaches now 170 countries of the 194 recognized countries in the world. In these 2 years we have as well achieved more than 300 evolutive…

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IMSI news.

A meta-analysis published in RBMOnline (Edson Borges Jr, 2010), one of the most prestigious fertility magazines, confirmed that IMSI (Intracytoplasmatic morphologically selected sperm)…

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High DNA fragmentation rates have been related to a higher risk of miscarriage.

This study published in the prestigious magazine Human Reproduction has shed some light on the complicated world of the recurrent miscarriages. Until now IMSI has not been considered a…

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Fresh versus frozen embryo transfers in IVF.

According to a study carried out by the University of Aberdeen (Scotland), published in Fertility and Sterility, the pregnancies achieved after a frozen embryo transfer have lower risks than…

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Growing number of foreign patients performing fertility treatments in Spain.

According to a report from the ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) Spain is the European country which performs the largest number of treatments to patients coming…

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Immuneresistance /ɪ’mjuːnrɪ’zɪstəns/ substantive a. Resistance to recommend immunological tests and treatments to infertile patients. This is a common statement in Spain: Here we say that…

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In Spain 86.000 assisted reproduction treatments are performed each year.

According to ASEBIR (Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology) in Spain 86.000 cycles of assisted reproduction techniques are performed each year (55.000 with In Vitro Fertilization…

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Bad times for ART?

It seems people are worried about the risks of assisted reproduction techniques (ART). That’s not new, but recently some concerns about problems in the offspring have arisen by general n…

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Barcelona IVF invited to Dublin.

On the 9th June 2012 Dr Olivares, medical director of BarcelonaIVF,  will be attending patients in a meeting hold by NISIG (National Infertility Support and Information Group) at The …

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Can too much exercise cause infertility?

A Danish study published in  Fertility and Sterility looked at 3,600 women who were trying to get pregnant, grouped them by BMI, and monitored their exercise habits. The researchers found …

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Mrs Zita West, one of the most influent persons in the Assisted Reproduction field in UK, visited BarcelonaIVF.

On the 30th March Mrs Zita West, one of the most influent persons in the Assisted Reproduction field in UK, visited BarcelonaIVF facilities. During the meeting we discussed how a healthy…

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The Health Representative of the City Council of Barcelona visits Barcelona IVF

On March 1st, Dr. Cristina Iniesta, health representative of the city council of Barcelona, honored Barcelona IVF with her visit. During the visit and the subsequent meeting, Dr. Iniesta…

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How to afford infertility in times of crisis?

Infertility is not cheap, it’s true. And even less, if you take into account its effectiveness. Paying thousands of euros, pounds or dollars to get a 60% success rate in the best case s…

Could the embryo fall out after an embryo transfer?
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Could the embryo fall out after an embryo transfer?

Many couples usually question the fact of "losing the embryo" after the embryo transfer.

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Barcelona IVF obtains an award for its patient assistance service.

The web site has given the Customer Service Award to our clinic for the service quality in dealing with patients as well as for answering quickly and professionally patient…

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Spain once more is the leader country in donations and transplants.

In 2011, Spain became again the leader in transplantation, reaching a new record high. Thanks to 1.667 donors, it has been possible to perform 4.218 transplants involving almost 12% more…

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Barcelona IVF wishes you a Happy New Year 2012.

This year 2011 has been very important to Barcelona IVF and since the Assisted Reproduction Laboratory has started in the beginning of the year, we have received patients from more than 20…

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Fertility treatments and twin pregnancy

Written by Dr. Luis Zamora Multiple pregnancies have become very common in the general population. It is something that we are used to see around us and who does not have a relative or…

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The semen and its circumstances, because it’s not all about the egg.

When you surf the net you find a lot of information, but there’s a significant part of it that is wrong or, at least, confusing. I’m going to spend a few lines clarifying issues that I’v…

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The first Barcelona IVF baby celebrates his 2 months.

Eric, the first baby who was born thanks to a treatment in Barcelona IVF is celebrating his 2 months today. Congratulations!

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First anniversary of Barcelona IVF.

Today 25th October, Barcelona IVF opened its doors one year ago. Since then we have helped many couples to fulfill their dream to become parents and many others are about to see it…

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Did you know what IMSI is?

The IMSI is the selection of sperm through a high magnification (8000 magnifications instead of 400 for the classical ICSI) that allows us to observe the structures that had so far remained…

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Why patients seek treatment abroad?

A recent study published in Human Reproduction reveals that patient motivations for travelling abroad are complex. A desire for timely and affordable treatment with donor gametes was evident…

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Do you know what is the ICSI?

ICSI stands for “intracytoplasmatic sperm injection” and it’s a procedure used in vitro fertilization in which the sperm is directly injected into the egg. The technique was developed by Gi…

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Assisted reproduction laboratory of Barcelona IVF: Last generation Thermo sealing machine

To maintain their standards of quality, BarcelonaIVFhas the first Thermo sealing machinedistributed in Spain for sealing any type of container. The new SYMS II allows the sealing of high…

Infertility treatments: what to expect or not to expect in the 2 ww.
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Infertility treatments: what to expect or not to expect in the 2 ww.

This article could also be titled “the longest two weeks”, because for someone involved in and fertility treatment, they are.