Egg donation: when is it a good option?

30 / 09 / 2019

Egg donation
is a treatment that gives women who are unable to conceive an embryo on their own the opportunity to become a mother. Today we are going to see what it consists of.

Fertility and age

Female fertility decreases with age. Although we consider that in the 20s female fertility is at its highest level, from the age of 35 onwards it begins to decline significantly.

The decline in female fertility with age is mainly due to the quality of the eggs. This occurs as a result of errors that happen when it comes to determining the genetic load that each egg will carry.

Normally an egg must have 23 chromosomes, whereas when errors occur the number of chromosomes is higher or lower than 23. When the quality of the eggs is not correct, embryos will be produced that will not usually be able to generate a pregnancy or in the last case will end in miscarriage, frustrating the woman's reproductive desire.

Egg donation, an effective treatment

Thankfully, for cases of infertility due to a problem with the eggs, we have a very effective treatment available, which is egg donation or ovodonation. Using egg donation, we can achieve pregnancy rates of over 70% .

Donor selection is one of the most important processes in egg donation. These are young women, mainly between 20 and 30 years of age, who have previously undergone a study to rule out any physical or psychological problems.

Ovodonation in Barcelona IVF

It should be noted that at Barcelona IVF we carry out a test on our donors that rules out more than 400 possible hereditary diseases, thus guaranteeing the highest quality in the selection process. In order to choose the donor, the medical team will select the candidate in each case in such a way as to achieve the greatest similarity with the patient, both physically and in terms of blood group.

Ovodonation in Barcelona IVF is an effective and safe fertility treatment for all those women who are looking for a pregnancy and who have been diagnosed with an egg problem that cannot be solved by any other means.

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