Legal Notice
General information for adherence of the law 34/2002 for the service of society of information and electronic commerce (LSSICE).
Registered company name: Barcelona IVF, SLP
Address: Escoles Pies 103 (Edificio Planetarium). 08017 Barcelona
CIF: B67127183
Tel. (34) 93 417.69.16
Fax. (34) 93 418.02.88
The responsible of this webpage provides for the users the present document with which the adherence of the obligations according to law 34/2002 of the service of society of information and electronic commerce is achieved, as well as informing all users of this website about it’s conditions.
Every person entering this webpage shall be considered as user, committing themselves to the observation and complete adherence of the herewith stated prescriptions as well as of every other legal prescription if applied.
The responsible of the webpage has the right to modify any kind of information appearing in this webpage without having to advise or notify the users of these obligations, being sufficient the advertisement in the webpage of the responsible of this webpage.
Responsibilities and exclusion from guarantiesThe responsible of this webpage is to be exempt from any kind of responsibility derived from published information on this webpage if aforementioned information has been manipulated or introduced by any third party.
This webpage uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service tool with the courtesy of Google, Inc., a company based in Delaware, main office in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA (“Google“).
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The server of this webpage will detect automatically the IP address and the name of the used domain. The IP address is an automatically assigned number to any computer if this one connects to the internet. All this information will be registered in an activity file of the correctly subscribed server which allows the post-processing of the data in order to obtain statistical information about the amount of printed pages, frequency of visits to this webpage, order of visits, access points and any other legitimate activity.
From the client’s webpage it is possible that you might be redirected to third party webpages. Since the responsible cannot always control the inserted contents in their own webpages, no kind of responsibilities are to be met regarding these kind of contents. Nevertheless, the responsible of this webpage will immediately recall any content which might inflict national or international legislation, morally or public order, leading to immediate cancellation of the redirection of this webpage and communicating the questionable content to authorities.
The responsible of this webpage will not be hold responsible for the gathered information and content, predicative but not limited, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other media tool which allows third parties to publish contents independently in the webpage of the responsible of this webpage. However and fulfilling the articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the responsible of this webpage commits to all users of this webpage, authorities and security devices to collaborate actively in the withdrawal or if necessary in it’s blockage of all these contents which might affect or violate the national or international legislation, third party rights, morally and public order. In case the user considers to have found any content in this webpage which might fit into this classification we ask to immediately pronounce this to the administrator of this webpage.
ContentsThis webpage serves to facilitate information about Barcelona IVF activities and services. Barcelona IVF reserves the right to modify the contents and presentation of it’s webpage at any time and without previous advise.
The information contained within this webpage is informative and under no circumstances a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the published contents on this webpage is to be used as a diagnosis or medical treatment.
LinksThe responsible of this webpage provides links to the users to simplify the search and access to information, services and other relevant contents of the internet. The provided links within this webpage might take users to other places and webpages created by third parties over which the responsible of this webpage has no control.
Intellectual and industrial propertyThis webpage, including predicatively but not limited it’s programming, edition, compilation and other for it’s function important elements, designs, logotypes, texts and/or graphics are property of the responsible of this webpage or if it’s the case, disposes of the license or direct authorization of the authors.
All contents of this webpage are correctly protected by the law for intellectual and industrial property as well as registered in the corresponding public records.
Independently from the final use, the full or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization requires in any case the previous authorization by the responsible of this webpage in written. Any use, previously not authorized through the responsible of this webpage shall be considered as a severe infringement of the rights of the intellectual and industrial property of the author.
Designs, logotypes and/or graphics beyond the responsible of this webpage but might still appear in this webpage belong to their corresponding proprietor, with them being responsible for any kind of related controversy. However, the responsible of this webpage disposes of their explicit and previous authorization.
The responsible of this webpage authorizes explicitly third parties to redirect directly to the contents of this webpage, being obliged in any case to redirect to the principal webpage of the responsible.
The responsible of this webpage acknowledges in favor of the holders the corresponding rights of industrial and intellectual property, not including their mere mentioning or appearing in this webpage the existence of rights or any responsibilities of this webpage for them, nor defense, sponsoring or recommendation.
To carry out any kind of observation regarding possible infraction of the rights of intellectual and industrial property as well as over any other kind of content of this webpage, you might contact via the following email address:
Applied law and jurisdictionFor resolving any controversy or questions related with this webpage or activities resulting from this page, Spanish legislation shall be applied, to which all parties explicitly agree, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts derived or related with the implication the court and tribunal of Barcelona.
In case of any doubt or controversy regarding our policy for personal data protection, you can contact us via email under: