ROPA method Spain, IVF for female partners

ROPA method Spain, IVF for female partners
What is Reciprocal IVF?

What is Reciprocal IVF?

Women without a male partner can achieve a pregnancy through this assisted reproduction treatment using donor sperm.

Reciprocal IVF (ROPA), also known as co-maternity, means “Reception of Oocytes from Partner”. Through this technique, both women are able to take part in and share the process of pregnancy. One will be the genetic mother and the other the gestational or biological mother. One woman will provide her eggs functioning as the donor, and the other will receive the embryo transfer functioning as the recipient.

What are the steps of the process?

The woman donating must undergo ovarian stimulation in order to collect the eggs to perform In Vitro fertilisation (IVF). Egg collection will be performed under sedation in the operating theatre and lasts for around ten minutes. Once the eggs have been collected, they will be fertilised with the donor sperm and embryonic development will be monitored in the laboratory from here on until their transfer 5 days later.

The woman who will become pregnant must undergo endometrial preparation treatment with oestrogens. This endometrial preparation is performed as the other woman in the couple is undertaking ovarian stimulation. Once the recipient’s endometrium is prepared and the embryos are in the laboratory, they will be transferred into the recipient’s uterus to achieve a pregnancy.

Woman donating the eggs
Synchronisation with the recipient
Synchronisation with the recipient
Ovarian stimulation + gynaecological tests
Ovarian stimulation + gynaecological tests
Egg collection
Egg collection
Donor sperm preparation
Donor sperm preparation
<i>In Vitro</i> fertilisation + embryo culture
In Vitro fertilisation + embryo culture
Woman receiving the eggs
Synchronisation with the donor
Synchronisation with the donor
Endometrial preparation + gynaecological tests
Endometrial preparation + gynaecological tests
Embryo transfer to the recipient
Embryo transfer to the recipient
How is the treatment performed?

How is the treatment performed?

We will tell you everything you need to know.

General information

Which previous tests are necessary for the woman donating eggs?

The woman donating eggs needs to undergo the following diagnostic tests in order to perform Reciprocal IVF:

  • Hormone test to examine the ovarian reserve
  • Gynaecological ultrasound to rule out uterine and ovarian diseases
  • Karyotype to rule out genetic abnormalities which may affect the embryo
  • Serologic test to rule out the presence of transmissible infectious diseases
Which previous tests are necessary for the woman receiving the embryos?

The woman receiving the embryos must undergo the following diagnostic tests:

  • Gynaecological ultrasound to rule out uterine and ovarian diseases
  • Serologic test to rule out the presence of transmissible infectious diseases
General information

Positive results

The success rates for Reciprocal IVF are the same as for In Vitro fertilisation and depend primarily on the age of the woman donating eggs.

Women aged < 35

Aged between 18 and 35

Aged between 39 and 42

What does shared motherhood method treatment include?

Shared motherhood method fertility treatment includes:

  • Medical appointments
  • Ultrasound scans during the cycle
  • Hormone tests during the cycle
  • Follicular puncture
  • ICSI
  • Embryo culture
  • Transfer
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