Resorting to a sperm donation
This resource consists of using donor sperm in any of the assisted reproduction treatments: artificial insemination, In Vitro fertilisation with their own eggs or with donor eggs.
This resource consists of using donor sperm in any of the assisted reproduction treatments: artificial insemination, In Vitro fertilisation with their own eggs or with donor eggs.
Sperm donation is recommended in the following cases:
Sperm quality that impedes its use
Genetic disorders in which preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos cannot be performed
No male partner
Who are they?
Sperm donors are young men in good physical and mental health. As with egg donation, they will have to pass a series of tests to become a sperm donor, which include examining their personal and family medical history, a psychological evaluation, an andrological evaluation, a blood test to rule out possible infectious diseases and necessary genetic testing. Having normal semen analysis is not enough to become a sperm donor; the sample needs to have good recovery capacity and good survival after thawing.
How is my donor chosen?
Sperm donor selection is performed by a specialized medical team, based on the patients’ physical characteristics and their blood groups. This is a task of tremendous responsibility, therefore our team performs each sperm donor assignment considering the individuality of each case.
What information can I have about the donor?
In Spain, sperm donation is anonymous which protects the identities of both the donor and the patients and their offspring.
Nevertheless, it is possible to learn general information about the donor, such as his physical characteristics, blood group and age, always in compliance with the Law and respecting the privacy of all parties involved.