Can I get pregnant with adenomyosis?

09 / 02 / 2022

Can I get pregnant with adenomyosis?

Some gynaecological disorders, although common in the population, are not well known.

Such is the case of adenomyosis, do you know what it is, do you know how it affects fertility, and is it possible to become pregnant? Below, we will answer these questions.

What is adenomyosis?

An adenomyosis is a gynaecological disorder in which the endometrial tissue penetrates the muscular wall of the uterus and thickens it. It can cause symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse), dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) or heavy vaginal bleeding during menstruation.

But in some case no symptoms are present at all.

Though the cause is not known to be hereditary, there is no way of establishing exactly what causes it. It usually occurs in women aged 35-50 years who have had at least one pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment of adenomyosis

Adenomyosis can be misdiagnosed with other diseases, which delays its detection. For this purpose, a gynaecological ultrasound (usually transvaginal), palpation of the uterus or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is required.

This disorder, which usually resolves during the menopause, can be treated with hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs that help to cope with the symptoms. In addition, a hysterectomy, i.e. removal of the uterus, is also possible. In general, medical treatment depends on the patient's symptoms and age.

Does adenomyosis affect fertility and can pregnancy be achieved?

Adenomyosis affects fertility by making natural pregnancy impossible. It has been reported to cause implantation failure , as well as repeated miscarriages.

Generally, adenomyosis does not affect assisted fertility methods such as in vitro fertilisation or egg donation as long as its presence is considered during embryo transfer and endometrial preparation treatment with GnRH analogues is carried out.

In conclusion, pregnancy can be achieved with adenomyosis. Were you previously aware of this?

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