Can I get pregnant if I have had or have cysts on my ovaries?

23 / 12 / 2020

Can I get pregnant if I have had or have cysts on my ovaries?

Sometimes, after a check-up ultrasound or after finding out the causes of persistent pelvic pain, the doctor may inform us that we have an ovarian cyst. There are different types, rarely malignant, although they require monitoring and, in some cases, they could affect fertility. 

Types of ovarian cysts

Functional cysts, such as follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts, occur during the normal menstrual cycle and do not affect fertility. In fact, they indicate proper ovarian function. Non-functioning cysts or cysts unrelated to the menstrual cycle, such as dermoid cysts and cystadenomas, should be monitored regularly even if they are only benign growths. However, other types of non-functional cysts might be the expression of an underlying disease, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriomas, cysts produced by endometriosis - a disease where the endometrium (tissue lining the uterus) grows outside the uterus.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age in which male hormone levels are abnormally high. Women with PCOS rarely ovulate, their ovaries have a multitude of small cysts and they usually have sporadic menstrual periods. PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Can I get pregnant if I have cysts?

Beningeal cysts do not directly affect fertility, but depending on their size, they can reduce the space available in the ovary for the follicles to grow properly. Even in the case of excessive growth, they can lead to complications such as ovarian torsion and rupture of the ovary.

Endometriomas and polycystic ovary syndrome do affect fertility more directly as they are manifestations of underlying diseases that directly affect a woman's reproductive capacity.

Treatment of the cyst

If you wish to seek pregnancy, depending on the size of the cyst and its origin, the doctor will assess the best way to proceed, from expectant management and routine check-ups to surgery. He or she will also assess its possible effect on fertility and will advise you in the event of difficulties when conceiving.

If you have been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and are concerned that it may affect your fertility, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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