
Further information
Assisted reproduction

What is Artificial Insemination?

The Artificial Insemination is an artificial reproduction treatment in which the sperm in positioned in the uterine cavity of the patient during the ovulatory phase. The semen can be from…

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Assisted reproduction

In vitro fertilisation, the best treatment to get pregnant

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is the treatment of assisted reproduction with the best chances of success. In many cases it is the definitive treatment that is resorted to getting…

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How to calculate my fertile days?

The menstrual cycle usually lasts between 26 and 30 days and consists of two phases. The follicular phase starts when the period comes and lasts until next ovulation, while the luteal phase…

How do I calculate my fertile days?
Further information

How do I calculate my fertile days?

The menstrual cycle usually lasts between 26 and 30 days and consists of two phases. The follicular phase, which lasts from menstruation to ovulation, and the luteal phase, which lasts from…

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Barcelona IVF in Edinburgh

On September, the 6th, Dr. Raul Olivares took part in an event for patients, organized by Fertlity Focus and Barcelona IVF. The more advanced techniques in assisted reproduction, carried out…

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Assisted reproduction

The average age of women performing assisted reproduction treatments is delayed

In just 10 years, the average age at which women ask for assisted reproduction treatment has increased from 33 to 40. 

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Barcelona IVF in Edinburgh invited by Fertility Focus

Fertility Focus are experts dedicated to helping and supporting the journey from natural or assisted conception, pregnancy loss, pregnancy and beyond.

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Health and fertility

Letrozole: the best alternative to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

A study led by Richard Legro and published in New England Journal of Medicine compares letrozole and clomiphene drugs to see which is better in women affected by polycystic ovary syndrome…

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How sperm get into the zona of an oocyte

Before it can fertilize an egg, a sperm has to bind to and bore through an outer egg layer known as the zona pellucida. Despite decades of research about fertility, some of the biological…

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Barcelona IVF in the UK and Ireland.

During 2014, Barcelona IVF, in collaboration with various associations of infertile patients, will organize several informative events in the UK and Ireland. The first of them, in…

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Did you know what AMH is?

AMH or Anti-Mullerian Hormone is a hormone that is produced in the female ovary. The little ovarian follicles secrete AMH and it is very important as it regulates the number of follicles…

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Barcelona IVF on Spanish television (TVE) supporting sport for disabled persons.

Barcelona IVF has sponsored the ascent of the mountain La Mola en Sant Llorenç dels Munts to Miriam, Mº José and Blas, who thanks to 25 volunteers could reach the top.Disability is not a ba…

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Barcelona, European Capital of Egg Donation.

Egg donation is a treatment that allows many women to become mothers. The generosity of the donors means that they can fulfill their dream that otherwise would have been impossible to…

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Keeping an eye on the embryos. Why Embryoscope?

Since many years ago the embryos that are going to be transferred are chosen taking into account only morphological criteria like the quality of their cells and their symmetry or if it has…

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Increase in the number of egg donors and sperm donors in Barcelona

Egg donation and sperm donation allows many couples to achieve a pregnancy that would otherwise be impossible. According to the latest official data from the Generalitat of Catalunya in …

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Implantation failure issues, our nearest future.

Embryo implantation keeps being a poorly known phenomenon because it’s very difficult to carry out in vivo tests to assess it. However nowadays is becoming more and more relevant due to t…

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Barcelona, European Capital of Egg Donation

In 2009, according to the official register of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) 21.064 egg donation cycles were performed in Europe. The same year, according to…

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Free initial consultation by Skype in Barcelona IVF!

If you have an infertility problem and live outside of Spain, Barcelona IVF offers you the possibility to perform a first consultation by Skype with one of our consultants. Don’t hesitate a…

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Reciprocal IVF for lesbian couples

Reciprocal IVF is a new treatment for lesbian women to achieve a pregnancy. It is also known as double maternity. Together with Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with…

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New tendentious news about ICSI from the HFEA.

By Dr. Raúl Olivares When all the health authorities were convinced that the ICSI itself was a safe procedure, the HFEA issues a tendentious information about its safety. And it’s te…

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Barcelona IVF at the Fertility Show in London.

On the 2nd and 3rd of November, the 5th Edition of the Fertility Show will take place in London. This event is held for the patient suffering from fertility problems.It is an annual…

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5 Million babies born thanks to Assisted Reproductive Technologies.

This week at the 69th annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) it was announced that 5 million babies have been born through assisted reproduction techniques…

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Every year Spain attracts between 20.000 and 50.000 health tourists.

In Spain health tourism is growing every year with an average of 20.000-50.000 patients per year. In Europe 9 million people travel every year for medical reasons. It is estimated that this…

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Egg Donation in Spain: aspects to keep in mind

Spain is the world leader in organ donation and transplantation. According to the Spanish National Transplant Organization, last year 1643 donors and 4221 transplants were registered. This…

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Motivation for egg donors.

According to a large European study, the majority of egg donors donate for altruistic reasons, although the financial compensation is also a factor.The study asked 1,423 egg donors across …

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Spanish woman gives birth after ovarian tissue transplant.

This is the first time in Spain that a woman gives birth after having undergone an ovarian transplant. Mercedes, 32 years old, needed surgery when she was 21, and both ovaries were removed…

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Barcelona IVF ‘s free telephone service.

Barcelona IVF’s new service. There exists now the possibility to be contacted immediately and for free by telephone. Just click on the new button available on our website… Don’t waste time;…

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Single embryo transfer review from American Society Reproduction Medicine.

Numerous publications have investigated the practice of elective single-embryo transfer (eSET). Single-embryo transfer after in vitro fertilization (IVF) has been advocated as the only…

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Day-specific probabilities of conception in spontaneous pregnancies.

15, the magic number. A new study suggests that the day in which is more likely to have a successful intercourse (in terms of reproduction :D) is the 15th day after starting the period.…

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Barcelona IVF and Jersey Fertility Support Group on BBC Radio Jersey.

The people of the Jersey Fertility Support group, with whom BarcelonaIVF collaborates, have been interviewed at the BBC Radio in Jersey. Very interesting staff for those struggling with…