What are polycystic ovaries?

02 / 10 / 2019

Polycystic ovaries mean a presence of numerous follicles in a woman’s ovaries. Both ovaries have this characteristic which is already determined at birth. Having polycystic ovaries does not have any major significance, but it is associated with other symptoms that might have an impact on the woman’s health.

Polycystic ovary, what is it?

The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the association of polycystic ovaries’ characteristics and other symptoms such as excess of hair growth in parts of the body more typical for men or irregular menstrual cycles that can even last more than 40 days.


The polycystic ovary syndrome is usually diagnosed during adolescence when either an irregularity of the menstrual cycle is detected or even a total absence. Moreover, the polycystic ovary syndrome can be diagnosed when the woman seeks pregnancy unsuccessfully since one of the problems that can occur is sterility due to a lack of proper ovulation. The diagnostic test that helps us to recognize this type of ovaries is the ultrasound scan as it allows us to see the ovaries and to determine whether their characteristics are compatible with the polycystic ovary.


There exists no treatment for polycystic ovaries since they are seen as a characteristic of each woman. In case of the appearance of symptoms that are associated with the polycystic ovary syndrome, the treatment will be determined according to each symptom which is to be treated. If the main problem should be related to e.g. excess of body hair, a treatment will be chosen which is trying to reduce it. If irregular cycles should be the problem, contraceptives may be taken in order to achieve more regular cycles. However, if the problem is related to the difficulty in getting pregnant, we will choose to perform an induction of ovulation in order to achieve pregnancy.
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