The importance of hormones in a woman's fertility

23 / 06 / 2022

The importance of hormones in a woman's fertility

During a woman's menstrual cycle, a series of hormonal variations occur that have an impact on fertility. But do you know all the hormones that are evaluated in a female fertility study and that allow you to become pregnant? Below you will find a brief explanation of each of them.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

FSH has many functions, among others, it is involved in the growth and maturation of the follicle, modulates oocyte maturation and stimulates oestrogen production. Levels of this hormone vary throughout the menstrual cycle.

Luteinising hormone (LH)

This hormone is also known as luteinising hormone and plays an essential role in regulating the menstrual cycle. It also triggers the release of the egg from the ovary, i.e. ovulation. For this reason, the peak of this hormone is found in the middle of the cycle.


Generally, when we talk about oestrogens in fertility, we are really talking about one type: oestradiol. This hormone has a great influence on the menstrual cycle, in particular, it promotes the growth of follicles and the maturation of oocytes. It also activates the production of LH, which triggers ovulation and prepares the endometrium for the arrival of the embryo, among other functions.


This hormone prepares the endometrium to facilitate embryo implantation, maintains the vascularisation of the uterine mucosa and is involved in regulating the production of cervical mucus, among other functions. Progesterone is the predominant hormone after ovulation and its levels fall when pregnancy has not occurred.

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)

AMH is involved in the formation and development of follicles. It differs from the secretion of the above sex hormones in that its levels do not vary throughout the menstrual cycle, making it a good measure of female fertility.

In summary, when female fertility is studied, we usually assess ovarian reserve by means of these hormones. Were you aware of these hormones?

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