Seven tips for choosing the right fertility clinic

30 / 09 / 2019

One of the most important decisions to make after having been trying to get pregnant for a while is deciding to look into assisted fertility clinics. With a clear goal of becoming parents, one has nonetheless many questions needing answers. How to choose the right clinic? What do we need to value before making a decision?

1. Spain is a leader in fertility treatments

Spain keeps on leading the European ranking in terms of assisted reproduction treatments. On a global scale, Spain is in the third position right behind the United States and Japan. In 2015 (the last year data was recorded), total of 36.318 babies were born thanks to these techniques. That is why more and more people coming to Spain, motivated by the high standards of quality in our health system and the number of experts working in our country.


2. Looking for a certified fertility clinic

Quality is paramount when talking about a medical treatment. Therefore, you should make sure to choose a clinic that has been verified by independent associations that will certify the highest quality standards.

Barcelona IVF is certified by the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) and our data is audited by this institution. All the procedures that we carry out in our laboratory undergo both internal and external controls.


3. State-of-the-art innovative technology

The quality of the technology used at the clinic is also a key factor in order to be able to process all the samples, so is being able to use the latest technology in In Vitro Fertilization treatments.

Our fertility clinic in Barcelona has a state-of-the-art In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) laboratory with the latest technology available making sure we can use the latest medical advances in this field. We have more than 1200m2 dedicated to assisted reproduction, gynecology and obstetrics.


 4. The success rates

Knowing the success rates of the treatments carried out by the specialists of the medical center is a signe of guarantee. In Barcelona IVF, more than 90% of our patients achieve a pregnancy thanks to our multidisciplinary team that has extensive experience in the field of fertility.


5. Financing

Prices vary depending on the techniques used and sometimes, they can be difficult to assume. In Barcelona IVF we do not want money to become an obstacle to achieve your goal. For this reason we have a financing system that covers up to 100% of the treatment.


6. Personalized care

Both specialist and patient need to keep close and trusting communication, together with trust that will guarantee a sense of comfort, understanding and privacy during the treatment. Barcelona IVF is aware that offering personalized care is a must to our patients and therefore we have an international patient assistance team available 24/7. We strongly believe that only by being able to offer individualized attention to our patients we are going to reach our goal.


7. Waiting list

Public health care system has an extremely long waiting list in many countries, opting for a treatment in Barcelona IVF means being able to choose when to start as we have no waiting list whatsoever.

Our medical team examines every single case and studies the best steps to follow, considering our patients story and needs.

Trying to find the best fertility clinic for you may seem complicated but we hope this tips are going to be helpful. In Barcelona IVF you will find a team of professionals who will be there with you throughout the whole process and who will guide you to reach your goal. Share your story with us and we will help you fulfill your dream.

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