It may be that when you are told about In Vitro Fertilization or IVF you think it is a very complicated process to understand. If you consider this assisted reproduction treatment, we will tell you step by step how it works to understand all its phases:
Phase 0- Patient evaluation
Essential in order that the gynecologist can choose the treatment or technique that best suits the patient.
Phase 1- Ovarian stimulation
During this phase, hormonal treatment is administered to the patient through subcutaneous injections in order to stimulate the ovary and thus obtain the greatest number of good-quality "eggs", that is, to increase the chances of success. The stimulation begins during the first days of the period and lasts between 8 and 11 days. During this time the process is controlled through ultrasound scans.
When the ovarian follicles reach a correct size, ovulation is caused and an ovarian puncture is scheduled approximately 36 hours later.
2-Follicular puncture
After sedating the patient, the follicular puncture is performed to the ovaries, intervention which consists of extracting the fluid contained in the follicles. After the intervention, of about 15 minutes, the patient will remain one or two hours resting and then she will be able to go back home.
3-4-5-In the laboratory, in vitro fertilization
Once we have the oocytes (after step 2), and the sperm (from the partner or the donor), the eggs will be inseminated in the laboratory.
The resulting embryos are observed day by day, classified, and transferred to the uterus 3 to 5 days after puncture.
6-Embryo transfer
It is performed using a simple, painless, quick and sedation-free procedure. On the contrary, it is an emotional moment in which the embryo or embryos, selected in the laboratory, will be introduced into the maternal uterus.
7-Pregnancy test
Approximately 2 weeks after the embryo transfer, a blood beta-hCG test must be performed to determine if the desired pregnancy has finally been achieved.
What do you do with the rest of the embryos?
In order to be transferred in a subsequent cycle, the freezing or vitrification of the remaining unused embryos is carried out in the laboratory.
At Barcelona IVF we are experts in assisted reproduction techniques. If you want us to advise you personally, send us an e-mail to or call to +34 934 176 916. We are waiting for you!