Assisted reproduction relationship with twin pregnancy

06 / 09 / 2022

Assisted reproduction relationship with twin pregnancy

Do you know what factors increase the risk of a twin or multiple pregnancy? Do you know whether this risk could be avoided? We will assess you on these matters below! 

Age and twin pregnancy

It is becoming increasingly common to find mothers in their 40s who have decided to delay childbearing. This option carries some risks, including twin or multiple pregnancies, due to hormonal changes associated with age. 

Can the risk of multiple pregnancy in assisted reproduction be avoided? 

Assisted reproductive techniques have come a long way in recent years. In the past, more embryos were transferred to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, which could lead to multiple pregnancies. Nowadays, however, a single embryo is usually transferred to avoid this risk. Thanks to the innovation of assisted reproductive techniques, we are able to select the best embryo, which has the greatest potential for pregnancy. 

How do we select the best embryo? 

First, blastocyst culture , i.e. prolonged embryo culture, is performed. Embryos that reach the blastocyst stage (day 5-6 of their development) have a greater chance of becoming pregnant. In addition, at Barcelona IVF we have the Embryoscope , an incubator that allows us to improve the culture conditions of the embryos. It also captures time-lapse images that allow the embryologist to evaluate them at any time without having to remove them from the system. Another advance that allows us to select the embryos with more potential is the Preimplantational Genetic Diagnosis or Test (PGD or PGT). This technique allows us to detect genetic anomalies in the embryo before its transfer, therefore preventing  the transmission of diseases or hereditary genetic alterations. 

Is there a limit to the number of embryos that can be transferred?

Yes, in Spain, Law 14/2006 on assisted reproduction techniques is in force, which limits the number of embryos to be transferred to a maximum of three.

Is multiple pregnancy a risky pregnancy?

It is important to emphasise that, although it is considered a risky pregnancy, it does not necessarily cause problems. Generally, good results are achieved in terms of healthy births. However, there are some risks: premature births, increased chances of low birth weight, pre-eclampsia, etc.

Do you have doubts about multiple pregnancy and assisted reproduction? Contact Barcelona IVF and we will solve them out !

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