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What you must know about egg donors (because popular wisdom is not always wisdom)

One of thing that keeps surprising me is how urban legends are built up. I have a friend who has a friend who once… and so on… Amongst recipients there are some wrong ideas regarding the don…

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How to survive to statistics

One of the main problems patients have when deciding where to undergo any treatment is to understand the success rates of the various clinics. Statistics are a double-edge weapon, which if…

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Barcelona IVF rewards your loyalty!

If you come for a first visit to Barcelona IVF from April 1 to June 30 and then you decide to do the treatment with us, we will refund the cost of the first visit. To arrange a first visit…

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Assisted Reproduction Laboratory in Barcelona IVF: a last generation laminar flow cabinet

By Anna Rabanal. At Barcelona IVF our goal is to offer the latest technologies. We know, in order to obtain the best results, it is essential to offer the best equipments. That’s why our l…

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Barcelona IVF's Facebook

Our Facebook has arrived to 200 friends!!! Thank you very much to every@ne! 

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Why asking Dr. Google about infertility could be funny

This article does not intend to help you to get pregnant but to cope with your infertility. Life is really hard, and having problems to conceive makes it even harder. But the way you…

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Barcelona IVF invited to Cradle Meetings in Glasgow

Barcelona IVF’s Medical Director, Dr. Raúl Olivares has been kindly invited by Cradle to their Cradle meetings to discuss in a friendly environment interesting medical, legal and ethical as…

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Assisted reproduction: does stress cause infertility?

Stress as a "contraceptive" by Barcelona IVF psychologist Atze Mena. Sometimes you might have wondered whether stress is the cause of non-pregnancy. The reality is that there still don’t e…

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Antioxidants may improve male fertility

Posted on Fox News Couples who struggle to conceive could find baby-making help from antioxidants such as vitamin E and zinc, hints a new review of more than 30 studies. The researchers…

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Barcelona IVF facilities

Now you can see the facilities of  BarcelonaIVF, our center for assisted reproduction.

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I have endometriosis. What can happen to me? (II)

Endometriosis is a benign disease that affects many patients during their reproductive life. We want to help you to better understand it. Next we continue answering to some of the questions…

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I have endometriosis. What can happen to me? (I)

Endometriosis is a benign disease that affects many patients during their reproductive life. We want to help you to better understand it. Within the following weeks we’re going to give a…

Egg donation: Getting the lining ready for the embryo transfer
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Egg donation: Getting the lining ready for the embryo transfer

Without any doubt, getting the lining ready is one of the things that more frequently give rise to confusion to the recipients. Thickness and pattern are two variables that had been widely…

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IVF Treatment in Barcelona: Why Not?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) patients are increasingly traveling to places like Barcelona where they can receive some of the world’s best healthcare treatments. People seek IVF treatment i…

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IVF treatments in UK: each time more lesbians and single women go for them.

It has been detected a rapid increase in the number of lesbian couples using IVF treatment. The same trend has also been noticed in single women. The number of lesbian cupules has doubled…

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Egg donation: Are all due just to an egg problem?

By Dr. Raúl Olivares You might be surprised by this question, but sometimes people need egg donation because no one has been concerned enough about other factors (male factor, implantation …

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Barcelona IVF wish you a Merry Christmas

 Your wish is our wish. Arrives the moment when dreams come true.  The Barcelona IVF Team wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of happiness.

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Infertility: genetic variant of endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a gynecological medical condition in which cells from inside the uterus appera in areas outside the uterine cavity, most commonly on the ovaries. Endometriosis affects…

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Fertility treatments: why haven’t you recommended it before?

By Dr. Raúl Olivares. This is one of the questions that fertility consultants hate the most. But unfortunately this question is made too often. Infertility has one major problem, it may …

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Egg donation in Spain

Trying to clarify questions about egg donation and legal aspects we have translate for you the article about gamete donation of Donation Spanish Law. Donation – Article 5 Donation of h…

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The evidence for cross-border reproductive care

We have limited evidence for how many people seek cross-border reproductive care (CBRC), why they go abroad and who they are, according to Dr Shenfield and Professor Culley. Professor Culley…

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IMSI: Anna Rabanal, Barcelona IVF embryologist in

IMSI : The impact of sperm morphology In IMSI (intra-cytoplasmic morphologically-selected sperm injection) the sperm is selected through high power light microscopy which multiples the…

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Egg donation: because light plus light could be "dark"

By Dr. Raul Olivares This is the article I’ve always wanted to write. One of the strongest fears foreign patients have, when they come to Spain for an egg donation, is how difficult would i…

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Sperm quality: tell me how you eat and I will tell you how good your sperm is

A healthy diet is related to all the organs of the body and to all aspects of our life. We’ve discussed how it prevents the cancer or the Alzheimer, how it protects the brain, how it p…

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IMSI: Science thinks big for better IVF

 Infertile men can more than double their chances of fatherhood with a new IVF technique. A far more powerful microscope is used to identify the sperm most likely to succeed. The method, …

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The Assisted Reproduction makes the news

In these days, the Assisted Reproduction Sector is in the news for a good reason. The Swedish Academy has rewarded the pioneer in Biology of reproduction Robert G. Edwards with the Nobel…