Why can't we be mothers when the time comes?

28 / 07 / 2020

Why can't we be mothers when the time comes?

Sometimes when you finally decide that it is time to get pregnant and become a mother, there may be certain factors that make it more difficult or prevent a natural pregnancy. But which are they?

What are the main causes of infertility?

In Spain, around 800,000 couples suffer infertility problems. The causes are distributed among men (30%), women (30%), both (20%) or even - in rare cases - the cause can be inexplicable (20 %).

In 80% of cases, female infertility is due to:

  • Advanced age: from 35 years old the reproductive potential decreases, and after 40 years old the possibility of pregnancy is less than 10%.
  • Endometriosis: when a part of the uterine tissue goes outside the uterus.
  • Fallopian tubes: when they have some type of injury.
  • Other risk factors:
    • Sexually transmitted diseases
    • Chronic diseases (diabetes, cancer, thyroid, depression)
    • Myomas
    • Drugs such as antidepressants

In men, the main causes are usually:

  • Alterations in the genital tract (which may make it impossible to deposit the semen deep in the vagina during intercourse).
  • Erection problems.
  • Very pronounced curvature of the penis or great decrease in it.
  • Alterations in the production of semen (decrease in quality and quantity).
  • Extreme obesity.

In any case, if the moment comes when you decide that you want to be a mother and you are encountering difficulties, at Barcelona IVF we will be happy to help you.

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