Doubts about egg-donation before starting an assisted reproduction treatment

23 / 06 / 2022

Doubts about egg-donation before starting  an assisted reproduction treatment

If you are thinking of donating your eggs, you will probably have many questions to answer. In this publication we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this treatment.

What is egg- donation?

Egg donation is an effective and safe fertility treatment for women who are trying to get pregnant but are diagnosed with an egg problem that does not allow other alternatives. Thanks to gamete donors, many women can realise their dream of becoming mothers.

Up to what age can I donate my eggs?

Donors are usually women between the ages of 18 and 35. However, you must undergo strict screening to determine your suitability as a donor.

What tests do I have to pass to become a donor?

To confirm that you can be an egg donor, a general and gynaecological examination will be carried out and your personal and family history, your psychological situation, blood and genetic tests will also be performed. 

What is the process like for donors?

If you want to become a donor, the process is composed by 2 phases:

  1. Ovarian stimulation + ultrasound checks: At this stage, the donor starts with medication in the form of subcutaneous injections for 10 days. During this time, ultrasound checks are carried out. 
  2. Ovarian puncture: In this phase, the oocytes are extracted from the donor by means of a follicular puncture, a short outpatient procedure (between 15 and 20 minutes).

What happens to donated eggs?

When a couple requires donated eggs, a genetic test or matching is carried out between the recipient and the donor. If there is a match, we then proceed with the fertility treatment. First of all, these eggs are inseminated in the laboratory with the sperm from the recipient couple or from a sperm donorEmbryoscope - until they reach the blastocyst stage (approximately day 5-6 of their development). Finally, the embryos are transferred to the woman receiving the eggs, following a waiting period that must be taken until we know if pregnancy has been achieved.

Will the recipient of my eggs be able to know my identity?

No, Law 14/2006 obliges gamete donors to remain anonymous. 

If I am a donor, will I be able to meet the child born with my eggs, and the woman who is the recipient?

No, in the above-mentioned law, confidentiality is both on the part of donors and recipients. 

Do you want to help women who want to become pregnant but can't? Contact BarcelonaIVF!

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