Difference between egg donation and embryo donation

18 / 10 / 2022

Difference between egg donation and embryo donation

Assisted reproduction offers multiple alternatives to create a family: the ROPA method , artificial insemination , in vitro fertilisation , embryo donation , egg donation ... But do you know the difference between embryo donation and egg donation? We will resolve all your doubts throughout this article.

What is egg donation and what about embryo donation?

Egg-donation is an assisted reproductive treatment in which a donor's eggs are fertilised with a partner's or another donor's sperm in the laboratory. In contrast, embryo donation is an assisted reproduction treatment in which the woman receives previously frozen embryos that have been donated by couples who do not wish to have any more children and whose embryos were frozen in their pre-pregnancy fertility treatment. 

Have donor eggs and embryos got a good quality?

Yes, in both cases. In egg donation, donors undergo different exhaustive tests to confirm their suitability as donors. These tests include analyses, personal and family history studies, psychological assessments, general and gynaecological check-ups, among others. In addition, at Barcelona IVF we offer a genetic compatibility test (GCT) that allows us to improve donor selection and reduce the risk of some serious hereditary diseases. 

In the case of embryo donation, the embryos come from treatments in which the couple or the woman who carried out the treatment does not want any more treatments. This normally happens because they have already had children and have embryos left over. Spanish law allows embryos that are not transferred to the woman to be donated. The criteria for an embryo to be donated are the same as for an egg donor to be accepted and donor sperm to be accepted. Therefore, they are frozen embryos of a very good quality that may be helpful to achieve a pregnancy.

In which cases is each indicated?

An egg-donation treatment is indicated for those cases in which the woman cannot achieve pregnancy with her own eggs. The multiple causes could be: advanced age, poor oocyte quality, low ovarian reserve after repeated IVF failures, genetic illnesses, etc. On the other hand, embryo donation is recommended in cases with fertility problems that require gamete donation and prefer to use donated embryos

Do you have any more doubts about which treatment suits you best? Make your first appointment with Barcelona IVF now - it's free!

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