Donation and adoption of embryos

13 / 05 / 2020

Donation and adoption of embryos

What is the difference between donation and embryo adoption?

We talked about donation when a couple donates their leftover embryos to help other couples voluntarily. These embryos come from IVF cycles (in vitro fertilization) and are frozen in liquid nitrogen. 

On the other hand, when we talk about adoption, we mean the person or partner who receives these embryos to achieve a pregnancy. Couples can choose this process when there is a male and female fertility problem

Why donate embryos?

The Spanish Assisted Reproduction Act allows frozen embryos to be donated to other patients. The other options would be to destroy them, donate them to research or re-implant them in the couple itself in the future.  If you have already managed to get pregnant and do not want to have more offspring, you may consider giving the leftover embryos to couples or women who need it.

In what cases is it recommended to adopt embryos?

  • Early, spontaneous or secondary ovarian failure to surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

  • Severe genetic diseases, at high risk of transmission that cannot be prevented by other methods.

  • Failure prior to other RA techniques or repeated embryo implantation failures.

One of the advantages of adopting embryos is that they come from couples or women who have already achieved a pregnancy, so the chances of successful implantation increase.  

At IVF Barcelona we make efforts every day to improve the techniques of obtaining, preserving and implanting embryos, so if you need to know more and consult all your doubts to an expert, send us an email to or call +34 934 176 916. We'll be thrilled to take care of you!

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