Clinical Case: Tania's Journey to Motherhood through Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

06 / 09 / 2024

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a diagnostic technique that makes it possible to identify genetic abnormalities in the embryo before it is transferred to the mother's uterus. In this article, we present the moving story of Tania, a woman who decided to opt for in vitro fertilization (IVF) with PGD , and who after a long journey of hope and courage was able to welcome her daughter Maya. Tania decided to opt for IVF after trying to conceive for about five years. Although she had given up hope a little, she continued to search for solutions. After deciding to try IVF only once, she asked her gynecologist to recommend an excellent clinic in Spain, and that is how she came to Barcelona IVF

Beginning of Tania’s Journey

From the first contact with Barcelona IVF, Tania felt the kindness of the team, who accompanied and guided her at all times in an area she was unfamiliar with and which she was somewhat afraid of. This accompaniment was fundamental for Tania to feel confident enough to embark on this journey.

Tania wanted to try the procedure only once, as she wanted to minimize the impact IVF would have on her body as much as possible. She had heard that the hormones and injections had a negative effect on the body, and that made her very fearful, although in reality they did not have that much of an impact.

Dr. Olivares’ support

Tania was treated by Dr. Olivares, who gave her a great sense of security from the very beginning. According to Tania, Dr. Olivares is a very competent professional who did everything possible to make IVF work.

IVF was not the way Tania would have wanted to get pregnant, as she follows an Ayurvedic and natural diet, but Dr. Olivares' holistic approach made her feel very comfortable.

DGP to optimize the chances of success

Since Tania was sure that she would only have one attempt at IVF, she wanted to do PGD to minimize the chances of miscarriage.

After egg retrieval, subsequent fertilization and culture to blastocyst stage, PGD was performed. Routinely, a two-week wait for the result and a month later implantation is usually performed. However, in Tania's case, the embryos were frozen and the implantation was performed after a year because Dr. Olivares detected a thyroid problem that needed to be controlled before implantation. Had she not waited, the implantation would probably not have been successful.

Embryo Transfer

For Tania, the day of the transfer was very emotional and unforgettable and she remembers that the moment of the embryo transfer was very beautiful and moving. The lights were dimmed, Dr. Olivares was talking to her to reassure her and her partner was by her side. She was also able to see on a monitor the exact moment when the embryo was placed in her uterus, which for her was a wonderful moment that she experienced with tears of joy and emotion.

After the Transfer

Throughout the pregnancy, with every check-up and every ultrasound, Tania was on edge, but she always felt the support of the clinic. After the transfer, Barcelona IVF continued to accompany Tania, asking her about the tests, if there were any problems and how the pregnancy was progressing, and keeping in touch even after the birth. Despite the distance, Tania felt the support and accompaniment of the clinic at all times.

Advice for other couples

After her experience, Tania would advise other couples in similar situations to take the plunge and have courage. According to Tania, it is necessary to find support because sometimes you can feel alone, although at the end of the process you discover that many couples have made the same journey.

Tania also recalls that when you have your baby in your arms you forget the whole process, even if it has been very heavy, even emotionally. She didn't think so at first, but one year after Maya's birth, she has only positive memories. 

We hope that Tania's testimony, which can be heard in its entirety on the IN Fertile-CAST podcast in Italian “La diagnosi genética preimpianto per eliminare ongi scrupolo”, can help other women find the courage and hope they need to decide to follow the same path.

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