Know the testimony of our patient

05 / 01 / 2021

Know the testimony of our patient

We at Barcelona IVF are especially excited to share the following personal story that was sent to us by a couple who managed to fulfill their dream of being parents thanks to an IVF treatment with egg donation at our clinic. We hope that their real experience and testimonial touches you as much as it did us.

It will soon be three months since our little girl was born after a perfect process from beginning to end.

The close monitoring that they had us under at Barcelona IVF, the way they listened to us, and the advice that they gave us far exceeded our expectations, as all throughout the process we have felt continually supported –even spoiled– by the whole team, at all times, every time we've needed it. To tell the truth, even the day of the transfer will remain engraved in our memory as one of the sweetest and most pleasant moments of our lives. 

Overall –to the maximum extent possible– all our wishes and questions were taken into account on all levels. Taking the leap to a MAP treatment (Medically Assisted Procreation) is a rather delicate undertaking from the emotional point of view. Without a doubt, one of the key factors in this success was the attention that they gave us at the clinic and the human aspect of our relationship with them.

In fact, we loved the atmosphere that permeates the premises of the clinic –impeccable and modern–, as well as all the help that the staff continually offered us during our stays in Barcelona.    

We also applaud the quality of the clinic's laboratory for the results obtained (of the ten oocytes extracted, they got seven mature embryos). The first and only transfer came to fruition with resounding success. 

Our time at the clinic was like a walk in the park. It had nothing to do at all with the odyssey that, regrettably, some less fortunate people remark about!  

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