In Barcelona IVF quality is guaranteed

07 / 05 / 2020

In Barcelona IVF quality is guaranteed

Assisted reproduction has a greater social-and-health impact, so it has been essential to legislate it properly. Especially during this difficult time – in the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis – having an official certificate proving that assisted reproduction activity is being carried out in a safe and of quality environment has become more important than ever.

Therefore, from Barcelona IVF we want to emphasize that we have the ISO 9001 and UNE 179007 certificates. These support that we are committed to the safety of both our employees and our patients, being reflected in all our protocols and measures of action audited by these regulations.

ISO 9001 is a general regulation on quality management systems that allows you to demonstrate that the organization meets its requirements and needs.

UNE 179007 is more specific than ISO 9001, as it refers to healthcare services and quality management systems for laboratories of assisted reproduction.

  • Criteria for laboratories of assisted reproductive techniques are unified.

  • It allows to demonstrate the level of excellence of health organizations.

  • It takes into account the level of management, security, control, traceability and quality indicators in all assisted reproduction processes.

  • It is certified by AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification).

At Barcelona IVF we want to demonstrate our commitment to patient satisfaction, as well as continuous improvement. We are convinced that a good human and professional team is a guarantee of success. Still having doubts? We wait for you!

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