Is it possible to preserve fertility? What does it consist of?
This may not be the best time to have a baby. Nevertheless, you would like to make sure there are no problems when you decide to. Thanks to egg freezing, it is possible to preserve your fertility, by keeping your eggs frozen until you find the optimal moment.
To vitrify means to freeze the eggs at -196C. It is a technique that allows you to keep the eggs with their characteristics intact. Your eggs would be cryopreserved until you decide to use them.
When to freeze your eggs
Life circumstances can be very different. Personal, social, or work reasons can interfere when making such an important decision, and you may want to delay your motherhood. In case you decide to freeze your eggs, we recommend you to do it when you are under 35 years old, since it will be the ideal time to do so; after 38 years of age, the quality of the eggs starts decreasing.
Do they really keep the same quality in the future?
Due to this freezing technique, the eggs keep all their properties until the moment they are thawed, with no time limitation: the quality will keep the same for as long as they are frozen. Survival rates are more than 95% for women’s eggs under the age of 35 years old.
If the thought of an egg being thawed and resulting in not being suitable for a fertility treatment concerns you, you must know the success rates do not diminish in this sort of treatments, because the gametes will keep the same quality.
At Barcelona IVF we have the professionals and the technology to preserve your fertility, offering you the best possible quality in all treatments. If you want to know more, send us an email to or call +34 934 176 916. We will be happy to assist you!