Dr. Luis Zamora
I always knew that I wanted to be a doctor and, from the moment I discovered the field of fertility and human reproduction, I knew that I would devote to it. It is an exciting speciality that allows me to experience great moments with patients. Being able to share the excitement at the start of the process, to overcome all the difficulties that may arise together and to finally experience the joy when they are able to have a child, makes this job incomparable.
My favourite part of each day is going into the clinic and seeing all the people that are waiting. Knowing that all these people are here because they trust us is my biggest source of motivation, as well as a huge responsibility that compels us to be better every day.
Barcelona IVF is a great programme for professional growth. Thanks to its patient orientation, it provides us with the best means for performing our job, knowing that our only goal is to help our patients on their way to becoming parents.